No metal cleats allowed on Ramona Adult Softball Fields.
Event Format: 4 game minimum / 3 pool play into single elimination. Awards:
Pricing Information: A 3.5% processing fee is added to payments made online. 10 & Under - $725.00 (Will play at Lakeside and Santee) 12 & Under - $750.00 (Will play at Lakeside, Santee, Poway) 14 & Under - $750.00 (Will play at Kit Carson Park, Poway and Santee) 16 & Under - $750.00 (Will play at Kit Carson and Poway) 18 & Under - $750.00 (Will play at Kit Carson and Poway) NOTE: 16U and 18U San Diego divisions may be combined into a High School Division if team numbers in each division dictate. NOTE: Locations are subject to change without notice. Age Cutoff Date: December 31, 2023. Equipment Required for Participants:
Game Times Available: Wednesday by 12pm prior to the event. Special Events: We are having a `Monster Mash Dance Off!' We ask each team to send in a video of them dancing to the `Monster Mash` song. All videos must be sent in by Wednesday, Novermber 6th in order to participate. The winner will be announced on Thursday, November 7th. We are looking for the most creative team video! 1st Place - Free Entry into a future TCS SoCal 2 day event, along with their team video on next year's event page and our TCS Facebook page. 2nd Place - Half paid entry into a future TCS SoCal 2 day event. Click here for the `Monster Mash` song. Good Luck!!! Please send all videos to Lisl Schulte at [email protected] with subject line Monster Mash video. This is a 14th year event that will be held in San Diego, CA. This has grown to be a great softball weekend with great competition. October is known as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month". Events in October will have a lot of pink (balls, novelties, multiple things to increase breast cancer awareness and research) as an effort to simply raise awareness of breast cancer and reduce the disease's stigma by educating people about its symptoms and treatment options. Supporters hope that greater knowledge will lead to earlier detection of breast cancer, which is associated with higher long-term survival rates. Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of death of females. It is a disease that has most likely affected or will affect our lives in one way or another - either through a personal experience or through a family member or friend. TCS would like to take this opportunity to remind you just how unfortunate this disease is and how important early detection is. TCS feels very strongly towards women's health and female-specific issues. We hope these weekends will increase awareness as well as provide a great weekend of softball. 2024 Champions: 10U – 12U – 14U – Runner ups: 10U – 12U – 14U – 2023 Results Click Here
Phil DiPrima Call or Text: 951-763-7822 Email: [email protected] Katie Hazlett Call or Text: 951-763-7827 Email: [email protected] Lisl Schulte Call or Text: 951-763-7830 Email: Travis Cotsenmoyer Email: [email protected] |