Showcase Rules - Best of the West
Effective January 1, 2020 Triple Crown will be using National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Softball rules with the modifications that are listed below.
NFHS Softball rules, plus Triple Crown rules will apply.
Age Cutoff: December 31, 2023
All Games:
1. Mercy rule: No Mercy Rule for all games.
2. Lineups: Free defensive substitution. On Offense, you may use one of the Line-Up Options below or bat your entire roster, but must keep the integrity of your lineup.
3. Courtesy Runners: If you are batting your entire roster, you may use your last recorded out as a courtesy runner for the pitcher and catcher. If you are not batting your entire roster, then NFHS rules apply.
4. Time Limits: All games Saturday will be 1 hour 25 minutes drop dead. All games Sunday will be drop dead 1 hour 30 minutes.
5. Team listed first - First base dugout unless occupied from previous game.
6. Home team determined by coin flip.
7. Home team will supply official scorekeeper.
8. Protests -- NONE -- the decision of the field umpire(s) will be final.
9. Games may end in a tie.
10. Clean dugout after each game.
NOTE: Franchisees May Have Variations
NFHS Softball rules, plus Triple Crown rules will apply.
Age Cutoff: December 31, 2023
All Games:
1. Mercy rule: No Mercy Rule for all games.
2. Lineups: Free defensive substitution. On Offense, you may use one of the Line-Up Options below or bat your entire roster, but must keep the integrity of your lineup.
3. Courtesy Runners: If you are batting your entire roster, you may use your last recorded out as a courtesy runner for the pitcher and catcher. If you are not batting your entire roster, then NFHS rules apply.
4. Time Limits: All games Saturday will be 1 hour 25 minutes drop dead. All games Sunday will be drop dead 1 hour 30 minutes.
5. Team listed first - First base dugout unless occupied from previous game.
6. Home team determined by coin flip.
7. Home team will supply official scorekeeper.
8. Protests -- NONE -- the decision of the field umpire(s) will be final.
9. Games may end in a tie.
10. Clean dugout after each game.
- OPTION 1 - Straight nine: Those nine players can play any position on defense.
- OPTION 2 - DP/Flex: 10 players are listed on the line-up, but only 9 bats. The DP can bat for any player that you designate prior to the start of the game. That player is designated as the Flex and must be listed in the 10th spot on the lineup card.
- OPTION 3 - EP: This gives you the option to bat 10 players and any 9 can play defense. This player can be placed anywhere in the lineup.
- OPTION 4 - DP/Flex and the EP: This allows you to have 11 players listed in the lineup. Only 10 will bat any 9 of these players can play defensively, but the Flex must always play defense. The Flex must be listed in the 11th spot on the lineup card.
- OPTION 5: You may bat your entire roster, but must keep the integrity of your lineup.
NOTE: Franchisees May Have Variations